Further Studies

The 21st century is the century of skills and knowledge professionals who possess specialized skills or have the right knowledge and those who know how to apply them have been successful. Therefore, thinking that ITI courses are inferior to the others or do not present good career opportunities would be mistaken. In fact, with rising unemployment rates, in many cases, ITI students who have the right skill set and training will have a better chance of employment as compared to others who hold higher academic qualifications. As far as career opportunities are concerned, ITI students have two main options that are available to them, i.e., either opt for further studies or explore job opportunities. Both these options have their own advantages as discussed below:

Diploma Courses

For students who have undergone ITI training in technical trades or engineering domains, there are several engineering diploma courses available. Unlike the ITI courses, the diploma engineering courses go in the details of the respective subject covering both theoretical as well as practical aspects of the domain.

Short Term Courses

For ITI students from certain specific trades, the Advanced Training Institutes (ATI) offer specialized short-term courses. These courses help students hone their skills further, specific to the job profiles or industry requirements in the respective domains.

All India Trade Test

Another option for ITI students after the completion of the ITI course is to opt for the AITT (All India Trade Test).The All India Trade Test is conducted by the NCVT (National Council for Vocational Training). The exam is skills test that certifies the ITI students. After passing the AITT, students are awarded National Trade Certificate (NTC) in concerning trade by NCVT. In many engineering trades, an NTC is equivalent to diploma degree.